インターアビエーション・ジャパン 外国貨物航空会社のREP業務スタッフ(貨物便/旅客便)【正社員】


募集期限: 記載なし

(Job Description)
※入社後の研修で業務知識が身につきますので、貨物業務経験は問いません。【オフィスワーク】ハンドリングマニュアル作成ハンドリング会社等各委託先との調整空港ビルディング会社、CIQ等関係各所への連絡・調整業務ケータリングアレンジ、手配クルーホテル、交通等の手配ハンドリングレポート、PSFC、EB集計、輸送実績等の各種レポートティング業務GD、パッセンジャーリスト等の作成・送信請求書作成その他付随業務【ハンドリングワーク】定期便(特に貨物便)、チャーター便のREP業務航空会社のOperation Control Centerとのメール及び電話でのやり取りVIP Meet & Assist業務入出港手続き、Shore Pass手配旅客、乗務員のエスコートその他付随業務InterAviation Japan Co., Ltd is currently looking for new full-time members (subject to a 3 months of probation period on a separate contract) who will join our team to carry out airport and office duties as an On-site Representative Staff (Flight Supervisor.)
On-site Representative Staff is responsible for representing the Airline at the on-site to ensure the flight handling is conducted in a way the Airline has designated and established. The main duties are but not limited to being physically present at the airport ramp area during the flight handling period, communicate with the Airline Operation Control Center via emails and or phone calls, make on-site decisions in accordance with the instructions from the Airline, liaise with the flight crew if necessary, visual check of the aircraft’s interior fuselage for any visible damages, answer inquiries from government/airport agencies about the flight status, schedule, apply for new slots if a delay occurs, and other related tasks. Office duties include various administrative, reporting and regulatory paper works. Aside from the main duties, from time to time, the On-site Representative Staff is expected to be coordinating/providing excellent ground services for other scheduled and non-scheduled flights including general aviation. Such is to provide, with the help from various suppliers and or business partners, the customers with excellent handling services to ensure the customers’ aircraft operations are smooth and efficient.
【必須事項】専門学校卒以上、社会人経験を有する普通運転免許英語能力(クルーや本社とのメールや会話のやり取りが可能なレベル)【優遇事項】航空会社もしくはハンドリング会社での航空機運航支援業務の経験(または他部署間での折衷業務経験)空港知識・航空機知識・航空貨物知識Microsoftオフィス製品の一般知識及びPCの一般知識(Outlook, Excel, Word etc.)多言語能力(中国語、ロシア語等)A successful candidates possesses a college degree (AA) or above (preferably a BA from a recognized university), professionally proven experience in the industry, qualifications and or licenses that demonstrate the candidate(s) can perform the responsibilities and duties mentioned in the job descriptions, excellent communication/interpersonal skills, excellent Japanese and or English both written and verbal, adequate PC skills (Microsoft Office products including smartphones and tablets) to create and work with excel sheets and reports, a valid Japanese driver’s license with a clean driving record. Positive attitudes, willingness to take initiatives, self-motivated, willingness to work under minimum supervision, eagerness to learn fast, willingness to be punctual and do a good time management are some of the preferred personal characteristics.
※賞与は業績ベースで別途支給Compensation: In accordance with the company standards (monthly) based on the qualifications and or contributions. Bonus is additional based on the company performance.
福利厚生各種社会保険完備、健康診断、完全週休二日制Benefits: Social welfare, commuting allowance, paid vacation, medical check, 2 days off in a week.
※試用期間(3ヶ月)ありWorking Hours: In accordance with the flight schedule (shift assignments)
(some deviations and work on weekends may apply upon required)
※適正により東京事務所、羽田空港での勤務、及び航空機の運航により各空港への出張ありWork Locations: Narita Airport, Tokyo office (Daimon Shiba Minato-ku), Tokyo International Airport (Haneda), Narita International Airport and business trips to other airports where flight operations take place.
応募方法下記書類を郵送、または電子メールにてお送りください1. 履歴書(写真付)2. 職務経歴書3. カバーレター(A4, 1枚程度)4. 航空業界資格証明(保有している場合)※エントリー期間は設けませんが、必要数に達し次第に終了いたします
※送付先 recruit@interavia.co.jp または
〒105-0013 東京都港区芝2-3-3 芝二丁目大門ビルディング2階
インターアビエーション・ジャパン株式会社 採用 宛
※書類選考通過者のみにご連絡致します。 予めご了承くださいHow to Apply: Please email your resume with a cover letter indicating that you are a good candidate for this position along with other documents justifying your industry experiences (e.g. airline issued licenses and certifications, IATA certifications). You can also postal mail the documents to the above address. Your documents are handled with care and destroyed properly.
選考方法書類選考 ⇒ 一次面接 ⇒ 二次面接
※入社時期は応相談Process: Resume screening -> Interview 1 -> Interview 2
Language and or ability tests may be required
試験時期随時Applications accepted now
試験場所当社東京事務所(浜松町、大門)Interviews to be conducted at our Tokyo office in Daimon Shiba Minato-ku.

